What does the most interesting version of the periodic table look like for 150 years?
What does the most interesting version of the periodic table look like for 150 years?
This year, this classic chart that reveals and predicts the laws of chemical elements has been born for 150 years.

2019 is the International year of the Periodic Table, and this year, this classic chart that reveals and predicts the laws of chemical elements has been born for 150 years.

to commemorate the element cycle year, Chemical and Chemical News launched a small activity called "I Spy a Periodic Table" on Twitter to solicit interesting pictures related to the periodic table. Here I picked some to share with you.

element Periodic Table bathroom

Picture Source: Jan Radford

I have seen a rudimentary version of the periodic table written with a marker on the bathroom tile, and this is a neat and beautiful high-end version. However, because the bathroom was decorated 20 years ago, there are more deficiencies at the end of the seventh cycle than it is now.

Mini Periodic Table

Photo Source: Robert LeSuer

this is a 3D printed periodic table of three-dimensional elements, which reflects the first ionization energy of the element. If you are interested in 3D printing the periodic table, you can also check out their papers → DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.8b00592

Periodic Table

Picture Source: Daniel Price

hand-painted periodic table, that is, the words are a little difficult to understand at first glance.

this version of the periodic table is very interesting! In fact, every lattice has been designed, for example, the hydrogen lattice has a small rocket. Liquid hydrogen has been used as rocket fuel:

for full details, you can visit the website → https://sites.arbor.edu/legoelements/

Periodic Table Cross stitch

Photo Source: Meagan Oakley

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Photo Source: Tianfei Liu

element Periodic Table Cake bracket

Photo Source: Sally B Chemistry

it is already a relatively routine operation to spell out the periodic table with cupcakes, and it is easier to have this cake bracket.

finally, I want to end with this picture:

this is what Mendeleev's periodic table looked like when it was first published, which was published in 1869.

do you have any favorite versions of the periodic table or related periphery? You can also comment and chat.