What are the gushing blood in the movie made of?
What are the gushing blood in the movie made of?
Sweet fake blood...

Blood gushing, which is always the visual element that thrillers love. In order to create an amazing effect on the screen, it is often necessary to make fake blood. What ingredients do people use to make fake blood?

fake blood has been used in theatre performances since the beginning of the 20th century. There are often thrillers at the Grand Guignol Theater in Paris, where the early fake blood formula they use is cochineal + glycerin. Glycerin provides a viscous substrate, while cochineal is a natural red pigment.

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later, their formula was slightly improved, this time with the addition of methylcellulose, which has a thickening effect.

and in movies, people also have different recipes. In the age of black-and-white movies, there is a surprisingly convenient choice for creating visually striking blood: chocolate syrup. Chocolate syrup is not the color of blood at all, but it doesn't look inconsistent in black and white anyway, and it has a stronger contrast and more impact than red fake blood. This kind of chocolate syrup blood appeared in Alfred Hitchcock's movie Psycho.

of course, this trick only applies to black and white movies. In the era of color films, fake blood had to be red. In color movies, a classic fake blood formula is based on corn syrup. Generally speaking, mix syrup, the right amount of water, red pigment and some cornstarch (to create opacity, in another version, director Sam Raimi chose to add coffee cream, and he added a little blue pigment to fake blood).

of course, movies need more than just fake blood. In fact, there are many changes in the formula of fake blood to meet different needs. For example, if you need a sticky, locally pasted feeling, you can add peanut butter to the fake blood recipe (I read a book saying that if allergies can be replaced with hazelnut butter, it's very sweet. ).

many of the fake blood used in movies are made of edible materials, which is easy to understand. after all, there are often scenes of fake blood coming into contact with the actors' mouths. However, there are recipes that pay more attention to simulation at the expense of eatability. In the 1970s, Dick Smith added Nipagin ester (preservative) and another unexpected ingredient to the fake blood formula: a photographic dewatering agent (Photo-Flo, containing surfactant). The latter is said to make syrup fake blood better permeate the fabric and look more real.

after looking at the history of fake blood, I feel that they have something in common: they are all so sweet _ (: sweet "∠) _


Reactions:The Chemistry of Hollywood Bloodbaths

PS: today I made a Halloween cake and prepared some fake blood by the way. My version still feels a little thin. This cake is also super-polysaccharide, so I don't want to eat _ (: cake "∠) _