Use muscles to control the robot and make it a good partner for moving.
Use muscles to control the robot and make it a good partner for moving.
Without words or eyes, how to cooperate tacitly with robots?

MIT the answer given by a group of researchers is that muscles can be used to send signals to robots. They put electrodes on the arms of human operators, received EMG signals from biceps and triceps, analyzed them, and then told the robot how to act.

there is no need for eyes or conversation, as long as you do it, the machine will know that you need its help. The system can also estimate the height of a person's lifting arm and allow the machine to lift the "arm" to a similar position. In addition to naturally raising the arm, the human operator can also tighten the muscles in place to adjust the height of the robotic arm.

here is a demo video:

this research team has also thought of some interesting ways to help people cooperate with machines. For example, it will detect the "error" signal in people's brain waves and transmit this signal to the robot, allowing people to correct the operation of the robot through "ideas". (related reading: did robots make mistakes? Use "ideas" to correct it)

when humans find out that they have done something wrong, the robot will also make a blushing expression:

from the demonstration video, the accuracy of these functions is not very good at present. And although the press release promotion is to work with robots to carry heavy objects, only some light things are taken in the demonstration. But it feels like interesting ideas, and it would be convenient if it could be more accurate.

Source of pictures and videos: MITCSAIL

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