On the scientist's treadmill, you will see. A shrimp?
On the scientist's treadmill, you will see. A shrimp?
The animals on the treadmill

people see a lot of people sweating on the treadmill in the gym. But what if you put something else on the treadmill? Like, uh, a shrimp?

this is a shrimp "running" on an underwater treadmill, recorded by Lou Burnett of Charleston College and his colleagues. This is part of their research work to understand the impact of changes in water quality on these small animals.

in fact, the treadmill is a favorite tool for researchers, and it is especially suitable for sports-related research, so that you can run with very little space, and it is also very convenient to photograph the process of animal movement.

in addition to shrimp, crabs have also been on Professor Burnett's mini treadmill:

in previous years, this shrimp treadmill video actually caused a lot of controversy. There is a news report that, you see, these scientists have taken government funds to study this kind of crap! Professor Burnett expressed anger at this, saying in an interview that the small treadmill was only a small part of the study and did not cost the government much money at all, and there was a reason to design the experiment in this way.

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apart from prawns, soldiers and crabs, there are actually a lot of animals put on the treadmill. Some of these may be hard to think of-vampire bats, for example.

this is what a male vampire bat looks like running (yes, they can run). This is the picture taken on the treadmill. This picture shows the unique running posture of these bats. For vampire bats, running on the ground is really a good thing for survival. These bats make a living by sucking the blood of animals such as cattle and horses, and their prey is on the ground. Running on the ground can also help them reduce their energy consumption.

(more read: bats

Motion Picture appreciation: have you ever seen bats run? )

another animal put on the treadmill looked a little hobbled: this is a king penguin.

(recorder: Astrid S. T. Willener et al)

here, the researchers are analyzing how weight gain on the eve of breeding affects the walking gait of penguins.

of course, not real animals can also get on the treadmill. Boston Dynamics, a robotics company, is also testing its cheetah robot on a treadmill. The guy can run at a speed of about 45 kilometers per hour (28.3 mph) at the fastest, but the running posture is a bit too cute.

(you run really hard. )

part two: what if the object of study is a small insect? The treadmill that scientists have prepared for them is a foam ball. You can read the original text for more details.