New cuisine of molecular cooking: eat a bowl of "deformed noodles"!
New cuisine of molecular cooking: eat a bowl of "deformed noodles"!
From plane to solid

look at how they deform in the water.

Let's have a big collection:

you can deform as much as you want. It seems a little cute.

this is a new gadget created by MIT researchers using food ingredients-an edible sheet that can be soaked in water from a flat surface to a three-dimensional one. In news reports, people have used names such as "transformed spaghetti", but it must be pointed out that they are bluffing, it is not the spaghetti that we are familiar with at all.

these twisted and twisted flakes are actually printed with the combination of gelatin and cellulose. Materials such as gelatin absorb and expand in water, forming soft hydrogels-does that sound familiar? In fact, the candy bear soaked in water, what happened is such a process.

but the expansion of cellulose is not as obvious as gelatin, so adding it as a "skeleton" to the gelatin film plays a role in guiding deformation.

you can see the changes of gelatin and cellulose (the sunken piece in the middle) in the water in the following figure:

in the software, you can design what these gelatin sheets and cellulose skeletons look like:

next, you can "print" them, and you can begin to appreciate the preparation of this morphing molecule.

in order to show their "deformed surface" (but not noodles) The researchers did cook a few dishes:

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(does it look delicious? )

at this point, the whole process seems more like the boredom of researchers, but they also give these "deformed foods" some practical application potential-- reducing transportation costs.

Transport objects in the form of flat film, and then let them become three-dimensional structure when you want to use them, which can effectively save the space needed for transportation (think of IKEA furniture). The researchers think this trick will also work for food. They mentioned the spaghetti of various shapes, and these complex three-dimensional shapes take up a lot of space in transportation. Take macaroni, for example, even if the box is full, more than 60% of it is still air. If it is made into a flat sheet and then deformed when it is used, won't it be convenient for transportation?

sounds good, but at this stage, there is no noodle in your "spaghetti" _ (: pasta) _ (: pasta)

but it does look interesting. I don't know what it will taste like.
