Late Night Bean knowledge: how does a rotten corpse turn green?
Late Night Bean knowledge: how does a rotten corpse turn green?
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the bright and bright green often gives people a fresh and natural feeling, but at the same time, another kind of dark green which looks dirty is often associated with the concepts of gloom, horror, evil, plague and so on. Zombies are also portrayed as turquoise.

this connection makes some sense, because human and animal carcasses do show green patches on the skin in the process of gradual decay, and this phenomenon is called "corpse green" by forensic doctors.

so why did the body turn green? This is related to the metabolism of microorganisms. After the person dies, the life activity of the human cells stops, while the bacteria on the body surface and intestines are still alive, and they continue to metabolize. When bacteria break down proteins in the body, they produce various amines and sulfides, especially hydrogen sulfide. The hydrogen sulfide produced by bacteria combines with hemoglobin to produce sulfur hemoglobin (sulfhemoglobin), which is the source of corpse green. In addition, biliverdin and biliverdin can also participate in green formation.

sulfur hemoglobin, you can roughly feel:

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the formation of cadaveric green is related to the active degree of bacterial metabolism. Generally speaking, the stomach is easy to form. The formation of corpse green can help the medical examiner determine the time of death.

by the way, amines produced by the metabolism of bacteria mentioned above are also one of the sources of rotting corpse odors. The two most famous compounds are cadaverine and putrescine. Well, you can already feel it by looking at the name. Of course, the "flavor" substances of corpses are actually more complicated, including mass killers such as indole.