Bean knowledge: 5 tips about chicken
Bean knowledge: 5 tips about chicken
In terms of quantity, chicken is an animal that occupies the world _ (: chicken "∠) _

5 little knowledge about chicken.

Why do you say chicken? Because I like eating

1. The chickens in the world are much older!

the total number of chickens in the world far exceeds the population. At present, the stock of domestic chickens in the world is at the level of 10 billion.

but because the chicken is small, its total weight is far less than that of all mankind.

2. Eggs are vectors for culturing viruses and making influenza vaccines

of course, fertilized eggs. The use of chicken embryos to make influenza vaccine and virus research is a routine method. Unlike bacteria, viruses need to be cultured in living cells. However, there is also a way to produce flu vaccines that do not need eggs.

3. The inextricable bond between chicken and dinosaur

birds are descended from dinosaurs, and scientists believe that birds themselves can be regarded as a member of the dinosaur family. Not only that, chickens, the most common bird, are also used as a reference for studying dinosaurs: researchers put fake tails on chickens and watch them walk. They believe that this walking pattern can well simulate those bipedal dinosaurs. This thing also won the Ig Nobel Prize this year:

(this is a live demonstration when receiving the award. )

4. Chickens do not have "chickens"

well, in fact, most birds do not, they just use cloaca, some are different. If you know something different, please reply: [duck Ding Ding], you know. )

5. In rare cases, unfertilized eggs can also be turned into chicks

generally speaking, chickens can be hatched only after fertilization, and there is no chance of those unfertilized eggs in our refrigerator.

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however, parthenogenesis still exists in biology, and there are very few cases of parthenogenesis in chickens. Signs of embryonic development have been found in some unfertilized eggs, and some have even grown into chicks:

P.Sarvella of the Maryland Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics has hatched seven chicks with 8000 eggs laid by virgin chickens, three of which have not lived for more than a week, and the other four are also very weak. (reference: PATRICIA SARVELLA. Adult Parthenogenetic Chickens. Nature 243,171 (18 May 1973)

speaking of which, you may still think of the ultimate question: the chicken or the egg? Never mind the philosophical level, if you want to see the biological solution, please poke and read the original text.